Balancing the Divine Masculine & Feminine
/Intuitive symbol of the day: The divine feminine and masculine are seeking balance in our world. It is not to judge either one as good or bad. We all have tendencies to be polarized with one being much stronger than the other. This is not a bad thing. It just means we do our best to find balance. I run with more masculine energy, so I find ways to create, flow, dance, inspire. When I feel too much in my head I do the things that bring in divine feminine energy. Which energy is more present in your life? What things help you find balance? These energies are not to be confused with gender as we all carry both within ourselves. Having a husband and two sons in my life has created the opportunity for me to heal the divine masculine. We went from honoring masculine energy to hating it. Instead let’s honor the value of both aspects of ourselves and others. There are times that I need my masculine energy to propel me forward. There are times when I need to flow, rest, and be heart centered. We are shifting away from judging things as good or bad. Would love to hear how you balance the two in your life!
Autom drawing of a symbol represenTing the Divine masculine and feminine in balance