Love thyself and step into your power
/On the wings of an eagle I fly to new heights in 2018. The divine feminine continues to awaken in all of us as the divine masculine heals from centuries of imbalance. I come to heal myself so the mothers of the world will heal which will being a new generation of children who don’t need to spend their 20’s and 30’s healing from their childhood. The cycle of fear ends now with me! My story that is really our story, winds on the breeze and whispers into your ear “be the change, Love thyself and step into your power.” #mindfulminimalistmama#earthangel #wiseone #newbeginnings#divinefeminine #cantfindphotocredit#blessed #bethechange#earthmotherrising#heartcenteredearrhrootedhealing#mother #holistichealth #organicfood#sustainability #thevenusproject