Shadow Work During the “Pandemic”

The current events are forcing us to think about death, to dive into our deepest fears and sift through them. Some of us are angry that our freedom is being taken away. Others afraid of their loved ones getting hurt. What purpose does fear serve? Does it improve our chance of survival. It did at one point in history when we had to fight to survive but it no longer serves us. Can we think rationally when we are in fear? However you feel about the current affairs, we have two choices as a collective consciousness. We can choose to give into fear or rise above it. We can give all our freedoms away or we can come up with creative solutions that don’t impede on freedoms. We want to save everyone, but can we? Of course I don’t want anyone to die, and yet such is a part of life. We chose this human experience and when my time is up, it’s up. And I am ok with that because I choose to live in a world where I believe humanity is good. Where people are loving, caring, and beautiful. I live In a world where people help each other, learn from each other, and build community. I choose the people I surround myself with, the things I listen to and watch that lift me up. I am also aware of the manipulation, the fear mongering, the propaganda. You can shine your light but take no sh$t. My children deserve medical freedom, my children deserve clean air and water, a thriving community, creative solutions, teamwork, and abundant food. This is the opportunity for us to collectively decide how to move forward in a way that opens the doors for all beautiful souls to shine. We are all playing our part in this shift. Even if it’s small like speaking your truth, or large like changing policy. May you be inspired to take a step each day towards a new way of life where we have a say in our communities. Where we are heard, and where we can compromise with opposing views. We may be on the brink of realizing there is no right or wrong only personal expressions of truth. May you choose the path that excites your soul! May you step into your power and begin anew. Now more than ever we must see our neighbor as equal. We may not agree with each other, but we are still all human and all deserve the option to be abundant in all areas.
