Release “Victim Mentality”
/No one will save you but yourself! No one is responsible for your fear but yourself. In the pause dive deep into your soul and ask yourself why am I afraid to lose, to die, to be poor, etc. Is it because you haven’t truly lived? Perhaps now is the time to let your authentic self free. The masks we are required to wear (at least where I live) are an ironic metaphor to forcing us to hide our true selves. To avoid human contact and community. No one can dim your light but you. No one can silence you but you. I send you strength to step into your power and let yourself free!! Ever wonder why you get upset about the current affairs? The feeling of helplessness is overwhelming at times, but we are not the victims. We have a choice. Collectively we are strong! Take out the skeletons from your closet and except each one. They served their purpose and are no longer needed. Accept your imperfections as the beautiful catalysts for change. You can not see light without contrast. If everything was perfect would you feel true joy? What makes the current affairs different is humanity is collectively digging through the shadows, vs those of us who have been doing the inner work for years. For some it will be too much to bare, others will feel rejuvenated and empowered. May you take this time to accept the past and move forward with rejuvenated energy to create beauty in your life and the lives around you!